Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Frisbees are here and they don't taste like Chicken

I had a couple more thoughts that popped into my head that I had to write down before they died of loneliness...

Does anyone know when and where the next household hazardous waste collection is? This is never a question that a person should ask while in the process of cleaning out his refrigerator. But alas...I have some of my older brother's Tab left over from Christmas and some other "stuff" in the fridge that may qualify as hazardous waste. Unlike the individually wrapped slices of "cheese-food" which were intentionally manufactured to be quasi-food, I have found some things here that have...well...kind of grown and developed into food-like things. Naturally, this led me to ponder some of the culinary delights (fried crickets [with celery and blue cheese please], red ant eggs, sauteed spider au jus and marinated monkey brains) that I am going to experience in the next couple of years. I got (very) religious for a brief moment praying that it all, in fact, did taste like chicken....please!

I had eggs for lunch today. Why don't eggs taste like chicken? It seems to me that if anything would taste like chicken it would be...uh...chickens.

Expecting to be assigned somewhere in the remote mountaineous areas of northern Thailand, I thought I would bring something from home that the locals might find intriguing and novel. I settled on a Frisbee. It's lightweight and easy to pack. Unfortunately, not easy to find in Columbus in January. After having several toy store clerks stare blankly at me like I was a two-headed cow for asking "Do you have Frisbees?" ("This time of year? What a moron!"...their blank stares screamed at me)...I went to and hit the motherload! They have more kinds of Frisbees than Thailand has rice. They showed up at my doorstep today. I now have everything I need to I shall.

So, "Sawadee khrup" (good bye) my dear friends and family. Ruk khun mahk mahk. (I love you very very much)....took wun (always).


Unknown said...

I'm going to miss you my friend. I know you'll do some good over there. Taking them frisbees though? I thought you would be spreading your secret curve ball techniques. Wait don't do that, they'll use them in the little league world series next year. have fun old fart

Anonymous said...

They always have Frisbees at the Dollar Tree - do they have Dollar Tree in Thailand?

Anonymous said...

They are not called Dollar Trees...They are called Baht Bushes. There are 31.5 Baht Bushes per every Dollar Tree.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dale!
I have enjoyed reading your blogs and I can't wait to read about your experiences while in Thailand! I am so glad I got to see you before you left, and have safe travels!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Shanley! It was great seeing you too.

Take care. Work hard in school, stay in touch and best of luck in... everything.

"Uncle" Dale

P.S. I'm really glad you got your looks from your Mom.

Tammy said...

I am sure they will love your frisbee, and you will have fun showing the local kids how to use it. (it also may come in handy for a plate if you need one) a good "Versatile" item to have ;o)

All kidding asside...
Stay safe take care

Love and Prayers

Anonymous said...

I could have gotten you a CHASE frisbee for free. . .but then you might have been used for target practice. . .